Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Shark Dissections

A group of our High School students decided they wanted to do a Marine Biology Course this year. All of these students have finished a traditional Biology course, and two of them are taking Chemistry concurrently with this class. We have had a lot of fun, this is a fascinating topic. Here is one of our dissections...we also did star fish and clams. Enjoy the pics.

Getting through the tough skin is more of a challenge than you would think...after breaking some dissection tools we resorted to steak knives.

Here is Joseph abandoning tweezers and tools in favor of fingers...can't be to squeamish.

Hands on learning isn't just for the little kids.... And yes that is a tie around Brad's head. We don't try to explain Brad's fashion quirks, we just enjoy them.


ellen b. said...

That outdoor bar really comes in handy!

Kelly Bagdanov said...

Yep, we started indoors until we realized the sharks were pretty stinky. Much better as an outside activity.